Established as Helphire in 1992, Redde offers motor claims accident management services, including direct and credit hire replacement vehicles, vehicle repair and management together with FNOL and full claims-handling services, to all provided through a group of market leading businesses such as Auxillis and FMG.
Redde plc was listed London’s AIM market until 2020 when it completed a merger with Northgate plc.
Redde Northgate plc is the parent of the combined group, is listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange and is a member of the FTSE250.
Information about Redde Northgate plc and its main operating entities can be found on the Redde Northgate plc website. Documentation and financial information relating to Redde plc and to the merger can be found under “Shareholder Information”
Pinesgate Lower Bristol Road Bath BA2 3DP Registered in England and Wales Reg No. 03120010